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Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used therapeutically around the world for centuries. It is used daily throughout cultures due to its many benefits, not to mention its warming, sweet taste! Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years. It is still used daily in many cultures because of its widespread health benefits, not to mention its distinctly sweet, warming taste and ease of use in recipes.

What are the benefits of cinnamon?

  1. Delicious in teas & cooking
  2. Natural cosmetic
  3. Essential oil
  • 1. Delicious in teas & cooking

    Cinnamon is a wonderful spice to add to many dishes and beverages. For example, try mixing a small amount into warm oatmeal, adding a sprinkle to smoothies or brewing a stick or two with chai or other black teas.


  • 2. Natural cosmetic

    Cinnamon can provide rewarding results when used lightly on the skin. For an invigorating homemade body scrub, mix some organic coconut sugar, coconut oil and a dash of ground cinnamon

  • 3. Essential oil

    Cinnamon bark essential oil may help to maintain a healthy immune system while providing a warming and soothing effect to the body. A few drops can be added to baths, or even mixed in with some coconut oil and used for massages.

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Cinnamon facts

Ceylon cinnamon, often referred to as ‘true cinnamon’, is originally from Sri Lanka and has been highly prized and used for centuries in therapeutic remedies. Cinnamon is made from the stems of cinnamomum trees, where the inner bark is extracted and the woody parts are removed. When the bark dries, it forms rolls and these are the cinnamon sticks. The sticks can then be ground and made into a powder. Both our certified organic cinnamon and the conventional cinnamon contain no filler at all, the only ingredient is ground cinnamon. Apart from the organic certification, there is one other significant difference between the two; our organic cinnamon is 'true' Ceylon cinnamon, while the non-organic cinnamon is Cassia.