$ 1.60 CAD
Sweet basil is the variety that is dried for culinary use. Sweet basil is a lush annual herb with a distinct clove and anise-like refreshing flavour. Dried basil leaves, although lacking the fresh top-notes of fresh basil, have a more pungent taste and one that is ideal for long, slow-cooked dishes such as soups, stews, casseroles and spaghetti Bolognese.
How to Use:
Basil is often considered an essential ingredient in both Italian and Thai cuisine. It is the ultimate complement to tomatoes. It goes very well with onions, garlic, and olives. Fresh basil is the main ingredient in pesto. Add dried basil to pasta sauces, risotto, soups or stews.
Dried and rubbed leaves of Sweet Basil
No known allergens.
May contain traces of allergens due to possible cross-contamination.
Store in an air tight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Shelf life:
Up to 12 months when stored as above. See best before date.